[Development] Summary of renaming changes

Lorn Potter lorn.potter at gmail.com
Fri Oct 19 02:27:37 CEST 2012

On 19/10/12 02:23, Olivier Goffart wrote:
> On Thursday 18 October 2012 08:30:03 Thiago Macieira wrote:
>> After all of my patches are integrated, here are the changes that will
>> happen:
>> - bin:
>> The following tools have been renamed:
>> 	qmake	-> qmake5
>> 	moc		-> moc5
>> 	uic		-> uic5
>> 	rcc		-> rcc5
>> 	qdbusxml2cpp -> qdbusxml2cpp5
>> 	qdbuscpp2xml -> qdbuscpp2xml5
>> 	lconvert	-> lconvert5
>> 	lrelease	-> lrelease5
>> 	lupdate	-> lupdate5
>> 	xmlpatterns -> xmlpatterns5
>> 	xmlpatternsvalidator -> xmlpatternsvalidator5
> [...]
> Thiago, I think you are going to ruin Qt5 the same way one could ruin a
> nuclear powerplant by installing an ugly pink bikesheet in front of it.
> I agree with Ossi on this matter.
> I will add that i don't like to rename qmake to qmake5 because:
> One runs firefox, not firefox15.
> Then you will say firefox is different because you don't want different
> version of firefox? But what about web designer who want to test their
> website? You may say it is less common. I say most user don't need qmake which
> is in a dev package on many distributions. Only developpers need, and they
> probably only need one of them.
> Same for g++,  they did not rename when binary compatibility was broken.
> Take the most recent example of python.  They did not rename the executable.
> Some distribution renamed the new one to python3, some other (archlinux)
> renamed the old one python2.
> Let the distributions solve the distributor's problem.


Lorn Potter
Senior Software Engineer, QtSensors/QtSensorGestures/QtSystemInfo

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