[Development] [Help]A big problem about accessing database using OCI driver plugin from qt application.

Harald Fernengel harald.fernengel at nokia.com
Fri Oct 26 14:23:17 CEST 2012


On Friday 26 October 2012 08:57:12 ext Xiaognag Wang wrote:
> I meet a big problem need you help:1. my evnriomnent: Win7 + Qt-SDK1.2.1 +
> oracle11g_home22. I compiled oci driver plugin for accessing Oracle
> database from qt application.3. the problem is: it is too slow to get data
> from database, for example:  get 20000 records from database will spend 7
> seconds, if I use odbc instead, it will just need about 30 ms. Does anyone
> have experience about this? Could you please give a suggestion for me?

Note - this is not an issue about Qt development itself, so it doesn't belong 
to this list.

In any case, try QSqlQuery::setForwardOnly(true) on your query, then records 
don't need to be cached.


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