[Development] Choosing a new MinGW for Qt 5

niXman i.nixman at gmail.com
Sun Sep 9 14:31:47 CEST 2012

Forwarded from mingw-w64 list:

> niXman:
> I, though, would recommend you to use SJLJ for 32 and 64 bit, in order
> not to have multiple ways for exceptions handling. This can cause some
> differences in the behavior of the programs. Besides, SJLJ for
> win32/win64 currently does not contain any known bugs, even when
> building MinGW using posix threads, because I created the patches that
> have been accepted into winpthreads. That's why I build MinGW using
> posix threads.

> SEH will be available only for win64 until the patent for win32 SEH is expired.

Dual-target(32 & 64 bit) MinGW compilers for 32 and 64 bit Windows:

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