[Development] ICU and windows build

QbProg tholag at gmail.com
Tue Sep 11 21:38:22 CEST 2012

Hello Qt developers,
so Qt 5 for windows doesn't include libICU sources but it requires it to
build webkit.
Unless other dependencies like Perl and Python, which can be installed once
in the system, libICU must be configured,built, and installed for every
compiler toolset/mkspec you are going to use with Qt.
Since I do regular qt builds with different configurations, I find this a
little annoying, and would like to do something for it before I start using
qt5 in a regular way.
I don't know the reasons why libICU sources are left outside the source
tree, but a nice way to have it out-of-source would be this:

- Allow an optional directory "libicu" in the qt build tree, that the user
can expand with it's preferred version.
- Make system detect this optional dir and use the configured compiler to
build it (let the user choose between static or dynamic?).
- If detected, automatically use it in WebKit.

I'm looking for directions to do these points, in particular 2) and 3)
I'm totally new to the qt-project build system, but I know qmake etc...

About point 2, I see that the module dirs are already optional (i.e. if you
remove the webkit dir it is detected and ignored).
About point 3, no idea :)

I'll share the resulting patch when done, at least the windows users can
apply it when needed.

Thank you for any hint.
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