[Development] Fwd: Re: Proposing QSqlQuery syntax sugar

André Somers andre at familiesomers.nl
Wed Sep 19 11:40:43 CEST 2012

Op 19-9-2012 11:32, Andras Mantia schreef:
> Thiago A. Corrêa wrote:
>> Hi,
>>        I'd like to propose a templated QSqlQuery::value in the same way
>> QVariant::value works. This syntax suggar allows one to write:
>>        QSqlQuery query;
>>        ...
>>        int myvalue = query.value<int>(0);
>>        Instead of the current:
>>        int myvalue = query.value(0).toInt();
> QSqlQuery::value() returns a QVariant already, so anything that works for
> QVariant works here as well (the .toInt() there is a QVariant method).
Sure, but then you'd have to use
int myvalue = query.value(0).value<int>();

The double value in that call is not so nice.

I think the suggestion was to overload value in QSqlQuery to directly 
allow the template version:
int myvalue = query.value<int>(0);
int myvalue = query.value<int>("MyColumnName"); //using the also 
proposed string version.

Just a bit of syntactic sugar, of course, but nice. I do think there are 
some problems with error checking though. What happens if "MyColumnName" 
doesn't contain an int but a string in the above call?


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