[Development] EGL is somehow showing up in Qt5GuiConfigExtras.cmake on desktop Linux

Josh Faust jfaust at suitabletech.com
Thu Apr 25 17:34:39 CEST 2013

> Thanks for reporting. I tried to reproduce this by configuring Qt with
> -opengl
> desktop, but the cmake files still worked for me.
> Please paste your configure line.

./configure -debug -developer-build -opensource -confirm-license -shared
-nomake examples -nomake demos -nomake docs -nomake tests -xkb -xinput
-xrender -xrandr -xfixes -xcursor -xinerama -xshape -opengl -fontconfig
-qt-xcb -gtkstyle -qt-libjpeg

debug/release and developer build/not don't make any difference. I haven't
tried -opengl=desktop explicitly, since the configure output says it's
using desktop OpenGL, but I can try it if you think it may change something.

Near as I can tell, CMAKE_EGL_LIBS ends up non-empty, which seems to imply
that QMAKE_LIBS_EGL is non-empty, but I can't seem to find how that would
be getting set. configure sets it as so:
QMAKE_LIBS_EGL=`$PKG_CONFIG --libs egl 2>/dev/null`

but running "pkg-config --libs egl" results in no egl package found.

I do have a workaround. Moving:

        CMAKE_EGL_LIBS = $$cmakeProcessLibs($$QMAKE_LIBS_EGL)

to inside the gles1/gles2 conditions (and thus duplicating it twice), in
gui.pro has gotten things working for me.

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