[Development] Puzzled by desktop development priorities, Mac OS specifically [Warning: Rant]

Rutledge Shawn Shawn.Rutledge at digia.com
Tue Aug 6 09:30:31 CEST 2013

On 5 Aug 2013, at 9:37 PM, qtnext wrote:

> I have tryed various fix (script to fix // issue, macdeployqt from git instead of native one, but at end it don't works ... ) hopes it will be fix in the near future :)

Did you try building your application with resources, put all the QML files into the QRC?  I don't like this idea for the long term for Mac apps because it's double packaging and needless obfuscation; it should be enough to put them in the .app bundle.  But it works well enough that we are doing it with some of the examples, to avoid having to install all the QML files in some known location.  And at least it works the same on all platforms.  On Windows it can be considered the routine way.

Morten has been away for a while but should be coming back soon.  Sorry for the lack of progress on macdeployqt while he was away.

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