[Development] New reference platforms in the CI for Qt5.2

Charley Bay charleyb123 at gmail.com
Sun Aug 11 02:06:57 CEST 2013

Tony sayeth:

> <snip>,
> We'd like to change the reference platforms a bit. We have new platforms
> coming in and old ones are just that.old.

> <snip>,
> These changes would be targeted for Qt 5.2 and the current proposition can
> be seen here:
> http://qt-project.org/wiki/CI_Configurations
> (That web page has been badly out of date, but I'm automating the update
> process of it currently.
> I will also keep the Qt argument list up to date so that you can see what
> the differences are between the configurations.)
> <snip>,

This is a helpful page -- thanks!

QUESTION:  I see MSVC2012 start to show up for Win8 (only), and Win7 mostly
stays with MSVC2010.

Because Microsoft is pushing updates for their MSVC2012 (they are no longer
updating MSVC2010, and it misses much C++11), our impression is that
MSVC2010 is like "Vista", where it's just easier to "move-along" to the
next version.  However, we will be Win7 for the foreseeable future (we have
no current efforts investigating Win8).

Thus, our (Windows) "reference" platforms are MSVC2008 and MSVC2012 (we
have no interest in 2010).  Are other people doing this too?  Is there
interest in moving to MSVC2012 at the expense of MSVC2010?

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