[Development] qmlbundle vs Qt Resource System

Thomas Hartmann Thomas.Hartmann at digia.com
Fri Aug 16 15:42:26 CEST 2013


Am 16/08/2013 13:02, schrieb Simon Hausmann:
> On Tuesday 13. August 2013 12.40.20 Thomas Hartmann wrote:
> [...]
> So then I wonder: What did we win? What problem did we solve?
> Only in case 2 we can embed the JSON data, and the code for resolving imports
> becomes more complex that it currently is. (not looking for qmldir only, now
> we need to look for qmldir.json first, then look for a *.[native dso extension]
> and then fall back to qmldir)
> Simon

It was just something that came up during discussions
and since we have the .json file it felt natural to propose to use it 
instead of qmldir. But you are right the multiple plugin case is a 
problem for the pure .json solution and proposing a new solution, which 
is not easier/simpler in any case, does not make much sense.

Kind Regards,
Thomas Hartmann

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