[Development] Unable to debug with Remote inspector

Amogh Kudari amogh.kudari5 at gmail.com
Tue Aug 20 09:58:29 CEST 2013

Hello All,

          Debugging the issue further I am amble to see that its failing to
launch remote inspector because its unable to find the inspector.html file.
Its failing in condition in InspectorServerQt.cpp
void InspectorServerRequestHandlerQt::tcpReadyRead()
           QFile file(path);
            // It seems that there should be an enum or define for these
status codes somewhere in Qt or WebKit,
            // but grep fails to turn one up.
            // QNetwork uses the numeric values directly.
            if (file.exists()) {
                response = file.readAll();
            } else {
                code = 404;
                text = QString::fromLatin1("Not OK");


Its failing in if condition where in it checks if the file exists or not.

It looking out for file " :/webkit/inspector/inspector.html".

In order to cross check if this file is present or not I checked the
Webkit.qrc file and qrc_webkit.cpp file.
In both the files this file exists. In qrc_Webkit.cpp it is in form of an
array of hex values.

I think this html file will be part of executable or webkit library.

But I am not sure about the reason why is it not working and failing on

Please help.


On Mon, Aug 19, 2013 at 6:16 PM, Amogh Kudari <amogh.kudari5 at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi Jocelyn,
>  Thanks for your inputs. But I am not using webkit that comes along with
> Qt 4.8. I am pulling webkit directly from trunk and branched off with
> revision number 1,16,000. So with this webkit build on linux I am able to
> launch the remote inspector. But on windows I am facing problems.
> Regards,
> Amogh.
> On Mon, Aug 19, 2013 at 4:55 PM, Jocelyn Turcotte <
> jocelyn.turcotte at digia.com> wrote:
>> On Mon, Aug 19, 2013 at 04:08:46PM +0530, Amogh Kudari wrote:
>> > Hi Group,
>> >
>> >             I have a QWebview application(I am using Qt 4.8.x) using
>> which
>> > I launch a test URL(Test html app). Now I am trying to use remote
>> inspector
>> > to debug the html application using http://localhost:9999 from chrome
>> > browser. When I do this, I get the link to URL which was launched using
>> > QWebview. But on clicking this link I am getting error saying "
>> > Oops! This link appears to be broken.
>> > "
>> >
>> The remote inspector is not supported with QWebView. WebKit in Qt 4.8 is
>> also too old and is using the old WebSocket protocol, not supported by
>> Chrome anymore. It might work better if you instead use a 4.8 QWebView
>> client to load the inspection URL.
>> The unofficial QtWebKit 2.3 release could also be helpful if you really
>> want to use Chrome with Qt 4.8:
>> http://blogs.kde.org/2012/11/14/introducing-qtwebkit-23
>> Good luck :)
>> Cheers,
>> Jocelyn
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