[Development] Pending Jira changes

Shaw Andy Andy.Shaw at digia.com
Fri Aug 23 12:00:04 CEST 2013

> I looked into the desired workflow changes for Jira (as discussed on this list)
> and am doing some general cleanups which I would like to bring up at this
> point. The more invasive bulk changes will happen on Monday while others
> have already happened. Please note that this may temporarily reduce the
> responsiveness of the system.
> 1.) I merged the Resolved, Closed and Verified states into a single state and
> added a shortcut from Open to Closed. I also took the liberty of renaming
> some of the transitions based on perceived usability and partly due to
> system requirements. The new workflow is as follows:
> https://bugreports.qt-
> project.org/plugins/servlet/workflow/thumbnail/getThumbnail?workflowNa
> me=Qt%20Bug%20Tracking%20v2.0&stepId=8&width=full&height=full
> Every Suggestion, Bug and Task issue will get this update. Any issue that is
> currently Resolved, Verified or Closed will be transitioned to the "Closed"
> state.
> If you have any concerns about the modified workflow please raise them
> now.
> 2.) The QTJIRA project had a very inappropriate workflow and permission set.
> It was updated to carry the new Qt Bug workflow already. From now on it has
> the same setup as every other project. The only difference is that the project
> will not carry the OG Approvers group. Practically this means that you can
> expect the project permissions to behave such as if you don't have approver
> rights (if you have them). The project is again actively managed by jira admins
> now. Please use it if required.
> 3.) We had a lot of dead projects in Jira. While no project was deleted they
> have been put into "storage". Some projects will no longer be visible and
> others will be read-only. The assumption is that we may still want to refer to
> the read-only projects later on whereas the invisible ones are truly dead. This
> affects the following projects:
> Read-Only:
> - Qt on Raspberry Pi
> - Qt Quick Components
> - Qt Solutions
> - Qt Webkit
> - Qt Mobility

Qt Solutions isn't strictly speaking dead, there are still some components worked on, could this be made read-write again? :)


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