[Development] Nominating Andrew Knight (aknight) for Approver

Nichols Andy Andy.Nichols at digia.com
Fri Aug 30 13:43:35 CEST 2013

> I'd like to nominate aknight for approver status. Andrew has been
> doing some solid work that I've noted in QtWayland (and with wayland
> in general), and also appears to have some solid knowledge of Windows
> from his dashboard:
> https://codereview.qt-project.org/#dashboard,1001190. Also useful:
> https://codereview.qt-project.org/#q,status:closed+owner:%2522andrew+knight%2522,n,z
> Andrew is responsive on IRC and helpful during code review/discussion,
> so I think he'd be an asset.
> Anyone willing to second?

I would like to +1 this nomination.  I've worked with Andrew for some months now on QtWayland + QPA related tasks and can confirm his value as both a contributor and a reviewer.  It would be great to have more approvers with Wayland knowledge in the Qt Project and Andrew is a great candidate for this.

Andy Nichols

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