[Development] Fwd: [Interest] [ANN] C++Now 2014: 5 Days to Submissions Deadline
Tony Van Eerd
tvaneerd at blackberry.com
Mon Dec 9 18:17:56 CET 2013
By the way, the deadline for submissions has been extended to Dec 22.
I do NOT expect it to be extended past that, so get your submissions in!
> -----Original Message-----
> From: development-bounces+tvaneerd=rim.com at qt-project.org
> [mailto:development-bounces+tvaneerd=rim.com at qt-project.org] On Behalf
> Of Thiago Macieira
> Sent: Tuesday, December 03, 2013 12:16 PM
> To: development at qt-project.org
> Subject: [Development] Fwd: [Interest] [ANN] C++Now 2014: 5 Days to
> Submissions Deadline
> Anyone else wants to submit this time?
> This year, as representatives of the Qt Project, we had Charley Bay,
> Tony van
> Eerd and me. I'd like a few more Qt devs showing up and presenting our
> more...
> ahem, pragmatic / conservative... solutions to other C++ library devs.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Subject: [Interest] [ANN] C++Now 2014: 5 Days to Submissions Deadline
> Date: terça-feira, 3 de dezembro de 2013, 16:00:20
> From: Boris Kolpackov <boris at codesynthesis.com>
> Para: interest at qt-project.org
> Hi,
> Only 5 days left before the submissions deadline for C++Now 2014!
> C++Now is a general C++ conference for C++ experts and enthusiasts.
> It is not specific to any library/framework or compiler vendor and
> has three tracks with presentations ranging from hands-on, practical
> tutorials to advanced C++ design and development techniques. For more
> information about C++Now, see the conference's website:
> http://cppnow.org/about/
> Have you learned something interesting about C++ (e.g., a new technique
> possible in C++11)? Or maybe you have implemented something cool
> related
> to C++ (e.g., a C++ library)? If so, consider sharing it with other C++
> enthusiasts by giving a talk at C++Now 2014. For more information on
> possible topics, formats, etc., see the call for submissions:
> http://cppnow.org/2013/10/21/2014-call-for-submissions/
> Boris
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> Interest mailing list
> Interest at qt-project.org
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> -----------------------------------------
> --
> Thiago Macieira - thiago.macieira (AT) intel.com
> Software Architect - Intel Open Source Technology Center
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