[Development] Enabling CI for QWebChannel

Milian Wolff milian.wolff at kdab.com
Wed Dec 11 16:15:40 CET 2013

Hey all,

what do I need to do in order to test coverage for the QWebChannel module 
enabled? There are so far a few QML tests and benchmarks. I plan to extend 
this further.

Also, Gerrit does not seem to test-build patches that I merge before 
integration. How is that enabled?

Milian Wolff | milian.wolff at kdab.com | Software Engineer
KDAB (Deutschland) GmbH&Co KG, a KDAB Group company
Tel. Germany +49-30-521325470, Sweden (HQ) +46-563-540090
KDAB - Qt Experts - Platform-independent software solutions

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