[Development] QWidget mouse events - different order

Rayner Pupo Gómez rpgomez at uci.cu
Wed Dec 18 22:07:08 CET 2013

> I've discovered that with Qt5 I get a different order of mouse events on
> a QWidget than with Qt4 (openSuse 13.1 Linux, X11):
> double clicking a widget results in Qt4 in:
> mousePressEvent 
> mouseReleaseEvent 
> mouseDoubleClickEvent 
> mousePressEvent 
> mouseReleaseEvent
> but in Qt5 in:
> mousePressEvent 
> mouseReleaseEvent 
> mousePressEvent 
> mouseDoubleClickEvent 
> mouseReleaseEvent 
> I tested with Qt4.8.5 and Qt5.2.
> Is this behavioral change intended, undefined, a bug ?
> (it results in my app not behaving as before ...)
> -- 

I think it's a mistake to rely on the order of this kind of events, there are 
fired asynchronously, your logic cant depend on this
III Escuela Internacional de Invierno en la UCI del 17 al 28 de febrero del 2014. Ver www.uci.cu

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