[Development] Proposal for allowing handling of HTTP redirects in QNAM

Mandeep Sandhu mandeepsandhu.chd at gmail.com
Wed Dec 25 08:54:43 CET 2013

>> 3. QNetworkReply stores both, the original as well as the final url.
> What about the intermediate ones in a chain of redirects?

Another question that springs to mind is what should the QNetworkReply
object returned to the user reflect while the redirects are going on?

Eg: What should the download progress signal show? should we keep
emitting it for intermediate requests too? Similarly, what should
other APIs like url(), operation() show, info about the 1st or the
final request?

Your thoughts?

If this gets unnecessarily complex to be done from within the QNAM
framework, maybe we can have some sort of a 'wrapper' class handling
redirects using QNR's public APIs. We could possibly keep such a class
in the qt-solutions repository if needed.

Oh and Merry X'mas everyone! :)


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