[Development] abandoning stale changes on gerrit

Peter Kümmel syntheticpp at gmx.net
Fri Feb 1 08:28:09 CET 2013

On 01.02.2013 01:37, Alan Alpert wrote:
> That said, I'd prefer it for us to reach a consensus that the
> abandoned state should mean abandoned (adj 2 of
> http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/abandoned) instead of destroyed (past
> participle of verb 1, http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/destroy). Then
> abandoning stale changes is simply changing the gerrit state to more
> accurately reflect the state of reality.

This points in the right direction.

The problem with the original request to simply make all changes
"abandoned" is that it will destroy the differentiation between
"trash" and "not interested in atm".

I prefer to introduce a new change-state in gerrit: backlog
backlog it is currently the common name for things which are
valid but nobody is busy on currently.

After each release, we could automatically move ALL changes
to backlog. To reactivate the owner only needs to click
"Restore Change" which is acceptable.

This way we have a real trash with abandoned stuff, a backlog
with interesting things, and a only active changes in
the review board.


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