[Development] abandoning stale changes on gerrit

André Pönitz andre.poenitz at mathematik.tu-chemnitz.de
Sun Feb 3 16:54:59 CET 2013

On Fri, Feb 01, 2013 at 10:43:12AM +0100, Thiago Macieira wrote:
> On sexta-feira, 1 de fevereiro de 2013 08.40.10, Peter Kümmel wrote:
> > > The problem with the original request to simply make all changes
> > > "abandoned" is that it will destroy the differentiation between
> > > "trash" and "not interested in atm".
> > 
> > Another problem is that some touches your changes you've invested
> > time and motivation and simply moves it into the trash can.
> > 
> > Please give more respect others work.
> Then let's stop calling the abandoned changes "trash". They aren't.
> Does that solve the problem?

I don't think so. We seem to need a distinction between "genuine trash"
(and before someone claims there is no such stuff on gerrit I can put
that label on some of my own abandoned changes) and "interesting but
not currently worked on" stuff.

The original proposal was to handle them equally, which seems wrong.

In the meantime there was the proposal to have another state called
'stale' or similar which seems to address both sides: the creator
of the patch can keep the 'stale' patches on his dashboard, whereas
they would not need to show up on the reviewer's dashboard. The
"staleness" could be time-based as in the original proposal.

Does anyone see anything objectionable in this approach?


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