[Development] issue tracker rights

Charley Bay charleyb123 at gmail.com
Wed Feb 6 17:11:22 CET 2013

Mitch sayeth:

> I think a lot of people are hesitant to contribute fixes because of all of
> the
> setup required to contribute, also (yeah, it's easy once you are familiar
> with
> it). <snip>,


It would be nice to make this, "turn-key".

For example, on platforms like Windows, it "would-be-nice" to have an
"installer" that you could download, which installs a "QtContributor.exe",
which is a simple GUI to pull Qt modules or otherwise make "easy" the
local-codebase management and compiling/linking/install of a module

I don't want to make "more-work" for anyone, but I think a
"contributor-IDE" with contributor-utility-help would be useful
(enter/search-for/reproduce bugs, pull module updates so bugs could be
reproduced/fixed/verified, etc.)

If we want "casual-users" to find/reproduce/look-at bugs, a one-click-setup
would be great, IMHO.  Yes, once it's "in-place", it's easy.  But it's not
easy getting it "in-place".

Also, many of us must maintain "clean-reference" development environments
where we maintain "last-released" development in addition to (wanting-to)
closely follow new Qt module development.  An easy "module-configurator"
tool would be nice for this.  I'm thinking of something like a simple GUI
on top of Thiago's Qt-module-selector/configurator-scripts.

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