[Development] Evolving Qt's multithreading API

Corentin Jabot corentin.jabot at gmail.com
Fri Feb 22 14:31:48 CET 2013

2013/2/22 Sze Howe Koh <szehowe.koh at gmail.com>:
> Yes, that was my original plan. Someone complained that they couldn't
> bind a function + arguments to QtConcurrent::run() first, then run it
> at a later time. This approach gives them the opportunity to start it
> whenever they want.

The problem is QtConcurrent does 2 separate things.
It binds function and run them asynchronously.

To me that's two different issues, so, if one want to bind a function
and run it later,
just use std::bind  ( hence my "QFunction" patch for c++03 support )

> On second thought, I'm not sure if this would be commonly needed. We
> can make it start immediately instead, BUT this requires a guarantee
> that the first thread can always connect the finished() signal, before
> the new thread runs and finishes. Can that be guaranteed?

Think about QNetworkAccessManager :
reply = nam->get(url); // start the request
connect(reply, QNetworkReply::finished(), doSomething()); // you can
connect later

I think that work just fine because the connection is queued,
But I'm not sure exactly how.

>If not,
>we'll need:
>     QThread *thread = QThread::runFunction([]() { return
> doSomethingComplicated(); });
>     connect(thread, &QThread::finished, this, &MyObject::doStuff);
>     thread->start(); // Manual start, after all connections have been made
> OR
>     QThread *thread = QThread::runFunction([]() { return
> doSomethingComplicated(); });
>     thread->wait(); // Wait for auto-started thread to end
>     doStuff();
> The latter is like Corentin's approach using QFuture. Which is better?
> (Personally I think the latter defeats the purpose of having a 2nd
> thread)

Of course that was a silly example, you would connect the QFuture
finished signal
to a slot, or use QFutureSynchronizer to run run multiple treatments

> Regarding deletion, we can follow the example of QAudioInput::start()
> -- it returns a pointer to a QIODevice for reading, but retains
> ownership of the device and auto-deletes it when stopped. Automatic
> deletion is needed to prevent a memory leak in the nice simple pattern
> you wrote above.

>> > > The implementation use the same sort of generator that QtConcurrent.
>> > > Thiago suggested making this feature only compatible C++11, which
>> > > would make it easier to maintain. I actually envisaged to send a mail
>> > > about that particular issue.
>> > > Can c++03 really be dropped for that particular feature ?
>> > > Also, I we were to make a c++11 only feature, what would be the
>> > > benefits over std::async ?
>> >
>> > I would love to see an implementation using C++11. I think that
>> > decision can't be made lightly though, and should be a separate
>> > discussion -- it has implications for all other Qt modules.
>> What do you mean?
>> Do you mean an implementation of QThread that would use std::thread as an
>> internal rather than pthread/windows API? (qthread_cxx11.cpp)

Here again, two different issues.
1/ can we use the c++11 <functional> features and variadic templates
for the biding part.
2/ should we use the c++11 thread api somehow ( that looks like a huge
- unnecessary ? - change )

>> I think it would be good to have. But would just be another layer, and more
>> code to maintain.
> I meant variadic templates and std::bind. QtConcurrent::run() uses a
> code generator to produce 6 separate templates. In theory, we can
> replace all that with 1 variadic template. No code generator, fewer
> templates, less maintenance.
>     template <typename TFunc, typename... TArgs>
>     static QThread* setupSimpleThread(TFunc&& func, TArgs&&... args)
>     {
>         // Private class, derived from QThread
>         return new QFunctionThread(
>                 std::bind(std::forward<TFunction>(a_func),
>                         std::forward<TArgs>(a_args)...));
>     }

Exactly, there are real benefits to use c++11 only.

> We do have many older compilers to support still. Is Qt ready to start
> introducing features that require C++11? Are we in a position to drive
> its adoption, as Thiago put it?
> (http://www.macieira.org/blog/2011/09/cxx11-support-in-qt-5/)

QtConcurrent somehow does works so people with no c++11 support, could
still use that even if its not ideal.

I was actually wondering if QtConcurrent couldn't be upgraded/recycled
    * adding QtConcurrent::runFunctionInNewThread(function, ...)
    * adding QtConcurrent::runFunctionInThreadPool(QThreadPool* p,
function, ... )
    * adding QtConcurrent::runFunctionInGlobalThreadPoool(function, ...);
    * deprecating QtConcurrent::run and make it an alias of

This way, QThread keeps its current purpose of exclusively handling thread.

(Or we could add another class or namespace, like QAsynchronous,
reusing QtConcurrent would meant keeping c++03 compat and its suppose
we will still return QFuture)

About returning QThread* : what about the function return value ? That
should be accessible, easily.
It's one of the reason I prefer QFuture over QThread*


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