[Development] Closing Jira Bugs

Sergio Ahumada san at sansano.inf.utfsm.cl
Wed Jan 30 19:05:55 CET 2013

On 01/30/2013 07:01 PM, Nils Jeisecke wrote:
> Hi,
> what has to be done to close a Jira bug after the fix has been
> successfully merged? I've just checked some of the latest commits in
> dev with Task-numbers and all of the jira tasks are still in
> unresolved state.

leave a comment in the task asking the Reporter to verify if it's 
actually fixed and asking the Assignee to close it ?

> Would it make sense to automatically close JIRA bugs when a commit
> message contains a reference to it?

How many changes do you need to close a jira task ? one, two, more, who 
knows ?

I think it's not that easy to automate this.

> Nils

Sergio Ahumada
san at sansano.inf.utfsm.cl

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