[Development] Creating an offline installer

Yves Bailly yves.bailly at sescoi.fr
Wed Jul 17 09:07:38 CEST 2013

Hello Andreas,

Le 17/07/2013 08:54, Andreas Holzammer a écrit :
> this is broken at the moment. It was changed from Qt 4.8.0 which had a
> bug in language support to Qt 4.8.4 But then it was also changed from
> 7z to tar gz, which is not very well supported in Windows. Also
> another slide glitch went in with this change. the Qt 4.8.0 was
> patched to link against the static c++ runtime. But yeah apparently
> thats not the case anymore with the Qt 4.8.4 package. Please deflate
> the archive to \release-tools\qt-src and patch accordingly to

...stripping the top-level directory... ;-)

> http://qt.gitorious.org/installer-framework/installer-framework/blobs/master/INSTALL

Something is strange in this file. It says:
"- add 'embed_manifest_dll embed_manifest_exe' to CONFIG line"

...but looking at the "diff" given below, I see:

-CONFIG                  += qt warn_on release incremental flat link_prl precompile_header 
autogen_precompile_source copy_dir_files debug_and_release debug_and_release_target 
embed_manifest_dll embed_manifest_exe

+CONFIG                  += qt warn_on release incremental flat link_prl precompile_header 
autogen_precompile_source copy_dir_files debug_and_release debug_and_release_target

...where it seems the options "embed_manifest_dll embed_manifest_exe" have been *removed*,
not added. Trusting the diff I'm removing them, after all manifests are useless in a
static build.

> Then you can call the script with --incremental and he should just go
> forward.

Nope... now it complains it can't find qmake:
Building Installer Framework
*** Unable to find qmake, aborting!
qmake: D:\qt\release-tools\qt-bld\bin\qmake.exe

I'll try to build manually and copy files where needed.

> Hope this helps

It does :-) Thanks for your help.

> Am 17.07.2013 08:27, schrieb Yves Bailly:
>> Le 16/07/2013 15:21, Sergio Ahumada a écrit :
>>> On 07/16/2013 03:06 PM, Yves Bailly wrote:
>>>> Le 16/07/2013 10:50, Sergio Ahumada a écrit :
>>>>> On 07/16/2013 09:39 AM, Yves Bailly wrote:
>>>>>> TypeError: __init__() takes exactly 10 arguments (9 given)
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> You could try this patch
>>>>> https://codereview.qt-project.org/61092
>>>>> Also, I'd say the README file is pretty out-of-date, so if
>>>>> you find errors you could maybe provide some fixes in
>>>>> Gerrit.
>>>> Thanks for your input... now I'm experiencing troubles when it
>>>> tries to "git clone" the installer framework, firewall
>>>> problem...
>>> There is an attempt to create a python script to handle all the
>>> needed steps at https://codereview.qt-project.org/54538
>>> You could also try
>>> http://qt-project.org/wiki/Building-Qt-Package
>>> Both are pretty much work in progress though.
>> Hello, it's me again trying to create an offline installer...
>> Now I'm having trouble with tar: Executing:      [tar -xzf
>> D:\qt\release-tools\qt_4.8.4_ifw_prepared.tar.gz] Execution path:
>> [...]

      /- Yves Bailly - Software developer   -\
      \- Sescoi R&D  - http://www.sescoi.fr -/
"The possible is done. The impossible is being done. For miracles,
thanks to allow a little delay."

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