[Development] Qt CS 2013 Documentation Session

Oswald Buddenhagen oswald.buddenhagen at digia.com
Wed Jul 17 09:51:11 CEST 2013

On Tue, Jul 16, 2013 at 02:38:19PM +0000, Pasion Jerome wrote:
> Some ideas, wishes, and proposals brought up in the session:
a recurring topic is translatability of the documentation.

this encompasses extraction (paragraph-wise, though further segmentation
into sentences may be advantageous as well) and back-merging of
translated strings (either into a separate document (in particular when
apidocs are being translated), or an "on-the-fly" integration, where
qdoc takes the original sources and a translation (.ts) file, and
directly outputs translated html).

qdoc (just like doxygen) is a rather terrible format in this regard -
one needs to do quite some semantic processing of the markup before it's
clear what a "paragraph" actually is. therefore it's likely that the
string extraction/replacement needs to be a special mode of qdoc itself.

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