[Development] Qt Location vs. Qt Mobility

Blasche Alexander Alexander.Blasche at digia.com
Tue Jul 23 12:33:22 CEST 2013

Hi Martin,

> -----Original Message-----
> From: development-bounces+alexander.blasche=digia.com at qt-project.org
> [mailto:development-bounces+alexander.blasche=digia.com at qt-
> project.org] On Behalf Of Martin.Kroell at ehrhardt-partner.com
> Hi,
> I'm confused about Qt Location and Qt Mobility. Currently I use the
> location module of Qt Mobility 1.2.0 to display maps with Qt 4.8. But now
> there is the Qt module "Location".
> In the Git repository, there are both, the Qt module and the Qt Mobility
> module. What is what? Is the Qt Mobility for Qt4 and Qt Location (without
> Mobility) for Qt 5?

QtMobility as such was discontinued when its API's were added to Qt5. Indeed QtMobility supports Qt4 only and I believe the last officially tested version was based on Qt 4.7.  There are some users of Qt Mobility who are still patching the libraries. Hence it actually works with Qt4.8 as well.

The way forward is the Qt Location module which is a port of the Qt Mobility Location library. Note that there are API changes between the two lines.

> What's about the bug tracker, is Qt Mobility obsolete?

Yes it is. As mentioned above, the community seems to still patch some aspects of QtMobility but it doesn't change the fact that it is end of line.
The same pretty much applies to the QtMobility Jira project. There should be a component inside the Qt project for each former QtMobility API. Those refer to the new Qt 5 modules.

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