[Development] GDB python pretty printers for common Qt classes

BRM bm_witness at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 23 19:41:02 CEST 2013

> From: Tobias Hunger <tobias.hunger at gmail.com>
>To: BRM <bm_witness at yahoo.com> 
>Cc: development at qt-project.org; David Faure <david.faure at kdab.com> 
>Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2013 1:27 PM
>Subject: Re: [Development] GDB python pretty printers for common Qt classes
>There are pretty printers for most commonly used Qt types in Qt Creator. Can those be used?

They may have been mentioned before in the discussion - I seem to remember this one from some months back too, though I don't remember the end of that discussion...off hand, my guess is most likely yes - but I think the issue is they need to come with the Qt libraries instead of Qt Creator as not everyone uses or installs Qt Creator.


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