[Development] Qt Playground - CAN bus add-on module
Denis Shienkov
scapig2 at yandex.ru
Tue Jun 11 07:22:52 CEST 2013
Hello Laszlo, all
It is possible to expand this idea a little. For example, to add some
add-on for support
of some industry protocols: ModBus, DNP3, IEC101-104, CAN and so forth.
It is possible to implement a certain basic concept of Protocol for all
heritable protocols with
ISO/OSI model support (or like that).
Of course, it is necessary to make so that as transport it was possible
to use Serial, Socket
or something else, through QIODevice.
For example, I could take on myself Modbus implementation.
Best regards,
11.06.2013 8:13, Laszlo Papp ?????:
> Hi all,
> I have been planning to request a playground area for this for a while, but unfortunately it has never been materialized.
> I would like to work on supporting the industrial (mostly, but not exclusively, automotive) can bus protocol with a high level Qt API. It would be a leisure time project for me without anyone supporting me financially or so. Of course, contributions would be welcome from automotive, medical or any other professionals.
> It would be nice to abstract out the differences between the char devices, the socket can interface, and specific windows drivers. I would also look into the QNX support at some point for sure as that is a very appealing platform on the automotive and medical markets.
> There was an attempt for a module called "OpenCAN" in the past as far as I understand, but it is a bit old-fashioned with the old can support of the Linux kernel. Also, it seems to handle different devices slightly differently instead of using as much abstraction from the operating system as possible. Also, it is a bit tied to a company, not to the Qt Project.
> It would be nice to push Qt a bit forward in an unusual area: the automotive world. What do you think?
> Best Regards,
> Laszlo Papp
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