[Development] Toolability of mixing QML and JS

Joerg Bornemann joerg.bornemann at digia.com
Wed Jun 26 10:46:31 CEST 2013

On 26/06/2013 10:19, Koehne Kai wrote:

>   - Designer: Any visual designer will only be able to cope with the declarative parts. JS snippets are opaque blobs. [...]

JS snippets are not opaque blobs. The QML/JS parser provides everything 
we need to understand the structure of the code. A design tool can offer 
to edit property bindings with sufficiently simple code (e.g. JS 
literals) graphically. The tool can let the user edit more complex stuff 
in a text editor.

I claim it doesn't help at all to have a QML where the rhs of properties 
is restricted to a "JS subset" or another DOM we might invent. The 
comlex code would be in external .js files and property bindings would 
be just glue. The design tool would be able to edit the properties that 
do not call JS functions and open a text editor for the others. How is 
this different from what we have now?



Joerg Bornemann
Digia, Qt

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