[Development] Qt CI improvements
Sarajärvi Tony
Tony.Sarajarvi at digia.com
Wed Jun 26 16:23:33 CEST 2013
Hi all!
Our IT has planned a few improvements to our CI. You might be glad to hear about these. These changes are addressing random failures in autotests we have experiencing.
Please let us know if you have any concerns regarding these. These changes will come only after 5.1, so that we don't break anything that at least works somehow currently.
1. Qt-test-server.it.local & qt-test-server.CI.LOCAL re-location ( The network test server machines in autotests )
- These server will be also relocated to dedicated host, currently there are running on same hosts with build machines
o when builds are running these servers are affected by performance problems
- Another issues with these servers is they are constantly running low on disk space which causes instability to builds
o these will be fixed adding more disk space when relocation is done
2. Qt CI infrastructure machines will be moved to a dedicated ESX host
- This is due to a high capacity and resource demands
- This way, machines get mode CPU time and function faster
- Time table end of July
3. Creation of Secondary GIT mirror for CI clients
- Due to a heavy load on current CI GIT it would be better to create another GIT server to balance the load
- One GIT mirror would server windows CI clients and another GIT mirror linux clients
- this would split the load and this should fix all performance problems which currently occurs
- time table end of July
4. CI Build machines re-provisioning
- CI build machines will re-provisioned when they are migrated to new SAN system
- Timetable on end of July or after 5.1 release
- On same time windows and linux machines ratio on ESX host will be changed
o 4 linux and 1 windows CI machine per host
5. More monitoring to CI infra host
- currently added all critical hosts and components to monitoring
6. Jenkins awareness of VMware esx resources via vpshere API
- Jenkins enterprise product under investigation
- Possible use of open source plugins to Jenkins
- If we get Jenkins to understand what is happening on ESX server level we could optimize builds more and possible safe money on hardware costs
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