[Development] Linker Error While linking application(form of DLL) with Qt libs

Sze Howe Koh szehowe.koh at gmail.com
Mon Mar 18 13:49:45 CET 2013

On 18 March 2013 18:58, Amogh Kudari <amogh.kudari5 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Thiago,
>    Thanks for your response. I am unaware of the group that is dedicated to
> discussing development
> with Qt. Can you provide some info about it (email id and registration).
> Regards,
> Amogh.

Hi Amogh,

The mailing list for discussions on _using_ Qt (as opposed to
_developing_ Qt) is

Alternatively, you can use the Qt Project forums (http://qt-project.org/forums/)


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