[Development] [RFC] What to do about overloaded signals/slots?

Olivier Goffart olivier at woboq.com
Sun Nov 3 11:28:45 CET 2013

On Saturday 05 October 2013 18:24:56 Olivier Goffart wrote:
>   https://codereview.qt-project.org/67348
> This will add, for each overloaded signal a note like:
> "
> Note:This signal is overloaded with another member this class. In order to
> connect to this signal using the function pointer syntax, you need to help
> the compiler by specifying the type of the signal. Example:
>  connect(process, static_cast<void(QProcess::*)
> (QProcess::ProcessError)>(&QProcess::error),
>    [=](QProcess::ProcessError error){ /* ... */ });
> "

Ping...  Should this patch be commited?

There is not so many of those. And the syntax being difficult to remember, I 
think it is usefull to have an example to copy-paste from.


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