[Development] Weird offseting in QDataStream

Giuseppe D'Angelo dangelog at gmail.com
Fri Nov 8 12:51:02 CET 2013

On 8 November 2013 12:41, Yves Bailly <yves.bailly at laposte.net> wrote:
>> QDataStream is for Qt only, it’s incompatible with all other binary formats out there, with the undocumented exception for cases where primitive types match.
> Then maybe it should be stated more clearly in the doc? A big red blinking warning "don't use QDataStream for
> anything else than to and from itself"...

I won't be that drastic. QDataStream's binary format is public and
documented, and as such, it can't be changed. As long as you're fine
with its not-so-flexible API, you can use it with any other
reader/writer which manages the same format.
Giuseppe D'Angelo

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