[Development] Fwd: Change in qt/qtbase[dev]: Enable -Werror for all of qtbase

Giuseppe D'Angelo dangelog at gmail.com
Thu Sep 5 09:41:11 CEST 2013

On 5 September 2013 08:44, Thiago Macieira <thiago.macieira at intel.com> wrote:
> Can we please give the feature a try, for a week or two, with -warnings-are-
> errors enabled in all CI builds?

I don't think this is the point. We already do have several
-developer-build configurations active in CI, and, as you say, that's
enough for enabling -Werror there. Eventually, the configurations
without -developer-build could get -warnings-are-errors, but that's
another story...

The problem (*) is that the CI is not testing common configurations
that developers use daily, for instance GCC 4.7/4.8 under Linux. If a
patch of mine triggers warnings (= errors) under one of those
compilers, but not for the other compilers used by CI (see [1]) it
will get merged. And as soon as the other hundred developers pull the
branches with that patch, they'll have a broken build, and they'll
have to act to solve / work around the warning (instead of doing their
job [2]).

That's why I was proposing to limit the -Werror to those compilers
which are actually in the CI, so those patches don't get merged in the
first place and the *submitter* is forced to act to solve the warning:


[1] http://qt-project.org/wiki/CI_Configurations
[2] https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-7ldKwe1FXVg/UfgmOdZCgGI/AAAAAAAAA_8/ntiDAkScDEU/w480-h360-no/what-programming-is-like.gif

(*) I'm not saying it's a CI problem. It's a developers' problem --
people should fix their warnings. The only thing CI could help is
having more and more configurations, but we all know that there isn't
an infinite number of people working there.

Giuseppe D'Angelo

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