[Development] What am I not seeing in the QByteArray::capacity test failure?
Thiago Macieira
thiago.macieira at intel.com
Wed Apr 23 02:45:08 CEST 2014
FAIL! : tst_QByteArray::reserve() 'qba.constData() != data' returned FALSE.
tst_qbytearray.cpp(1871) : failure location
Code around the location is:
1858 qba.resize(capacity);
1863 QCOMPARE(qba.capacity(), capacity);
1866 copy = qba;
1867 qba.reserve(capacity * 2);
1868 QCOMPARE(qba.size(), capacity);
1869 QCOMPARE(qba.capacity(), capacity * 2);
1870 QCOMPARE(copy.capacity(), capacity);
1871 QVERIFY(qba.constData() != data);
On line 1866, we make a copy, so qba's refcount should now be 2.
When we do reserve(capacity * 2) on line 1867, the byte array is supposed to
detach and reallocate to a larger size:
462 inline void QByteArray::reserve(int asize)
463 {
464 if (d->ref.isShared() || uint(asize) + 1u > d->alloc) {
465 reallocData(qMax(uint(size()), uint(asize)) + 1u, d-
>detachFlags() | Data::CapacityReserved);
466 } else {
467 // cannot set unconditionally, since d could be the
shared_null or
468 // otherwise static
469 d->capacityReserved = true;
470 }
471 }
We know it did not detach, since the test failed because the pointer value is
still the same. It could be for one of two reasons:
1) both conditions of the if on line 464 are false
2) one of them is true, but reallocData() did not actually detach
We know that asize == capacity*2 is larger than d->alloc because of the test
on line 1863 above: capacity() returns d->alloc - 1 and we know qba.capacity()
== capacity == 100. That rules out condition #1: one of the branches of the if
is true.
Note that we also expect d->ref.isShared() to also be true.
If it's case #2, then reallocData did not detach:
1495 void QByteArray::reallocData(uint alloc, Data::AllocationOptions
1496 {
1497 if (d->ref.isShared() || IS_RAW_DATA(d)) {
1498 Data *x = Data::allocate(alloc, options);
1499 Q_CHECK_PTR(x);
1500 x->size = qMin(int(alloc) - 1, d->size);
1501 ::memcpy(x->data(), d->data(), x->size);
1502 x->data()[x->size] = '\0';
1503 if (!d->ref.deref())
1504 Data::deallocate(d);
1505 d = x;
1506 } else {
1507 if (options & Data::Grow)
1508 alloc = qAllocMore(alloc, sizeof(Data));
1509 Data *x = static_cast<Data *>(::realloc(d, sizeof(Data) +
1510 Q_CHECK_PTR(x);
1511 x->alloc = alloc;
1512 x->capacityReserved = (options & Data::CapacityReserved) ? 1 :
1513 d = x;
1514 }
1515 }
Now, for the test to be failing, we must have hit the realloc on line 1509.
That leads me to conclude that d->ref.isShared() actually returned false,
despite there being an implicitly shared copy.
Could there be a bug in operator=?
937 QByteArray &QByteArray::operator=(const QByteArray & other)
938 {
939 other.d->ref.ref();
940 if (!d->ref.deref())
941 Data::deallocate(d);
942 d = other.d;
943 return *this;
944 }
Note that due to construction of the testcase, at this point
this->d == other.d. In any case, we do increment the refcount, so it should
have gone up to 2 or 3.
QByteArray does have a move-assignment operator:
202 inline QByteArray &operator=(QByteArray &&other)
203 { qSwap(d, other.d); return *this; }
But even if MSVC 2010 did erroneously call this operator, the refcount already
was 2.
Am I missing something here? Because I can't explain the issue. And I can't
reproduce it on Linux either.
Thiago Macieira - thiago.macieira (AT) intel.com
Software Architect - Intel Open Source Technology Center
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