[Development] Qt 5.3 header diff: QtGui

Giuseppe D'Angelo giuseppe.dangelo at kdab.com
Wed Apr 23 09:34:45 CEST 2014

Il 23/04/2014 01:15, Thiago Macieira ha scritto:
>> >+    enum OpenGLModuleType {
>> >+        DesktopGL,
>> >+        GLES2
>> >+    };
> Suggestion: OpenGL & OpenGLES2. Some non-desktop devices may have non-ES GL.
> The fact that we constantly refer to "desktop GL" erroneously should not
> influence the API.

Why not just OpenGLES? That is, why putting the ES version in there? (If 
it's for saying "ES with programmable shaders", then we should also have 
DesktopGL2 there. Otherwise, it looks like we don't support ES3 or similar).


Join us Oct 6-8 at BCC Berlin for Qt Developer Days 2014!
Giuseppe D'Angelo | giuseppe.dangelo at kdab.com | Software Engineer
KDAB (UK) Ltd., a KDAB Group company
Tel. UK +44-1738-450410, Sweden (HQ) +46-563-540090
KDAB - Qt Experts - Platform-independent software solutions

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