[Development] QtQml value types

Roland Winklmeier roland.m.winklmeier at gmail.com
Thu Apr 24 11:55:07 CEST 2014

Hi list,

we discussed the topic whether non-QObject types can be used in QML or not
several times. The last time is only a few days ago as part of the Qt
future discussions. So I had some thoughts what needs to happen to solve
this issue.

I can remember someone told me there are plans to add such a feature. So my
first question is, how far are we on this? Is it just a plan or is someone
really working on it already? Are there any details?

If there is nothing happening at the moment, I'd like to share some ideas I
had during the last days.
I'm not an expert in QtQuick/QML internals so I have no idea what might be
possible or not. At the moment I assume only QObject derived classes can be
used in QML contexts.

Charley's presentation (
was very interesting to me as I see this as a possible workaround until
something more sophisticated is in place.
During discussions in our team one of the members pointed me to internal
class QQmlValueType (
This is used to make Qt value types like QSize, QPointF available through a
QObject wrapper and is very similar to what charley presented.
Now I wonder can't we just make this (or something similar) available as a
public API? This would allow developers to add their custom types without
much effort and would solve a lot problems.
I don't think this is much effort but it will help a lot.


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