[Development] Perceptions/Understandings of the QML language [was: Question about Qt's future]

André Somers andre at familiesomers.nl
Wed Apr 30 11:50:24 CEST 2014

Simon Hausmann schreef op 30-4-2014 11:36:
> On Wednesday 30. April 2014 11.19.45 André Somers wrote:
>> Simon Hausmann schreef op 30-4-2014 10:51:
>>>> - objects can be put in the context in c++
>>> Ah, setContextProperty? Yeah, we could warn against that.
>> Could you, or somebody else, elaborate a bit on why this is bad
>> practice? To my (admittedly naive) eyes, it seems like a good and simple
>> way, available right now, to separate the declarative QML from
>> imperative code.
> One disadvantage is performance.
Thank you for your answer.

While it is an important issue, I think that in the context of the 
current discussion (separate declarative from non-declarative, and 
stimulate the former) this is not a really relevant issue then. Is that 
a fair assessment? Yes, there are more performant ways to reach the 
goal, but if the goal is get rid of imperative bits in QML, then I'd 
think it could be a valid approach, if not always the best or fastest 
one. It is an approach that is usuable especially in contexts where 
performance is not a major concern though.


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