[Development] Qt6, Qt7 roadmap?

Robert Knight robertknight at gmail.com
Sat Aug 9 17:12:18 CEST 2014

As I understand it, the only reason for a major version bump from Qt 5
-> 6 is for backwards-incompatible changes, not new features.

> recall that the C++ Standards committee is looking at speculative work to support "modules"

Any modules implementation is going to have to have an associated
migration path from headers. In the case of Clang's implementation for
example this is done by having a set of 'module map' files which will
allow the compiler to transparently translate:

#include <foo/bar>
#include <foo/baz>
#include <meep>

To module imports, as if the code read:

@import foo
@import meep

Without actually requiring changes in the code. As I understand it,
this could be done for Qt 5 without breaking changes. The only
exception would be if the Qt headers rely on one of the 'module
anti-patterns' of things which will not be supported in modules.

On 9 August 2014 15:21, charleyb123 . <charleyb123 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Just a silly question related to the Qt roadmap (I don't want to distract
> this weekend's Qt5.4 freeze-activity):
> Qt6 (and even Qt7) has been mentioned on this list in the past year, and I
> was curious if there were a "30,000-mile-high-view" of what might be
> "on-deck" for consideration.
> A web-search or qt-project.org search doesn't really show much discussion:
> https://qt-project.org/search/tag/roadmap
> A Jira Road Map report doesn't really show much:
> https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG#selectedTab=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.project:roadmap-panel
> For example, Qt5 might be summarized something like (I'm sure I'm missing
> some):
> *- New "modularized-library" infrastructure
> *- C++11, function-pointers for signals/slots
> *- QML as solid dev/deploy platform
> *- Balanced focus on both desktop and mobile
> *- Connectivity/Networking improvements
> *- Big investments in OpenGL, Qt3D
> *- Deployment of new Qt Platform Abstraction
> *- Mobile deployment, "App-store" deployment
> *- New platforms, (e.g., Android, iOS, Win8, WinRT, BB10, ...)
> *- Transition from QtWebKit to QtWebEngine
> *- Start of rework on QtPrinter
> *- etc.
> IMHO, that's a pretty fantastic list (and I'm sure I've missed some).  When
> you throw in tremendous advances in QtCreator, embedded-device and
> "Boot-to-Qt" support, and work on QBS, and new features like Enginio
> (web/cloud), it speaks a very compelling story.
> Possible future items might be something like:
> *- ?? C++14/17 support (recall that the C++ Standards committee is looking
> at speculative work to support "modules" and possibly "runtime-reflection",
> and I know Thiago has been looking at how that might be relevant to
> Qt/signals-slots/role-of-moc)
> *- ?? Qt3D advances
> *- ?? QML packaging/plugins/deployment work
> *- ?? Cross-process signals/slots (pretty please? ;-))
> *- ?? New modules
> *- ??
> Just curious.
> --charley
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