[Development] QML instantiation performance

Juha Vuolle juvuolle at gmail.com
Fri Dec 5 06:01:41 CET 2014

Hi Gunnar,

> But what about the "QQml_removeValueTypeProvider: was asked to remove
> provider 0x2b4c2ac but it was not found"
> messages? Don't you get that with 5.4? Did you change something in your patch for 5.4?

I get this on the 5.3.1 (not on 5.1.1) on my linux, right at the end of test:

PASS   : tst_librarymetrics_performance::cleanupTestCase()
Totals: 201 passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped
********* Finished testing of tst_librarymetrics_performance *********
QQml_removeValueTypeProvider: was asked to remove provider
0x7fb94a951850 but it was not found

But I have no crashes etc.


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