[Development] quickcontrols has now a hard dependancy on widgets.

Gunnar Roth gunnar.roth at gmx.de
Mon Dec 15 10:07:31 CET 2014

Recently i deteced that quickcontrols plugim has started to add a hard dependency on widgets  ( on wec2013 and win32 at least ).
dpends.exe is showing 
??0QStyleHintReturnMask@@QAE at XZ
??0QStyleOption@@QAE at HH@Z
??0QStyleOptionButton@@QAE at XZ
??0QStyleOptionComboBox@@QAE at XZ
??0QStyleOptionFocusRect@@QAE at XZ
??0QStyleOptionFrame@@QAE at XZ
??0QStyleOptionGroupBox@@QAE at XZ
??0QStyleOptionHeader@@QAE at XZ
??0QStyleOptionMenuItem@@QAE at XZ
??0QStyleOptionProgressBar@@QAE at XZ
??0QStyleOptionSlider@@QAE at XZ
??0QStyleOptionSpinBox@@QAE at XZ
??0QStyleOptionTab@@QAE at XZ
??0QStyleOptionTabWidgetFrame@@QAE at XZ
??0QStyleOptionToolBar@@QAE at XZ
??0QStyleOptionToolButton@@QAE at XZ
??0QStyleOptionViewItem@@QAE at XZ
??1QStyleHintReturnMask@@QAE at XZ
??1QStyleOption@@QAE at XZ
??1QStyleOptionViewItem@@QAE at XZ
?font at QApplication@@SA?AVQFont@@XZ
?globalStrut at QApplication@@SA?AVQSize@@XZ
?hideText at QToolTip@@SAXXZ
?palette at QApplication@@SA?AVQPalette@@PBD at Z
?showText at QToolTip@@SAXABVQPoint@@ABVQString@@PAVQWidget@@@Z
?style at QApplication@@SAPAVQStyle@@XZ

as imported functions from Widgets library.

In contrast to this the quickcontrols dialog plugin has  only a soft dependency via qpa, because of the possibility to use the widgets dialogs as a fallback.
Ir is very surprising to have a dependency on widgets, which loads this huge dll on our wec2013 platform into memory ( for performance reasons paging of exe/dll is switched off) . I admit that this does only happen if you also build widgets library, but i usually build as much a i can on a platform, even if i don't use it yet.
With this patch i now disable that dependency.
--- a\qtquickcontrols\src\src.pro    2014-12-05 17:24:10.000000000 +0100
+++ b\qtquickcontrols\src\src.pro    2014-12-08 13:45:54.616785600 +0100
@@ -7,6 +7,6 @@
 SUBDIRS += layouts
 SUBDIRS += dialogs
 SUBDIRS += dialogs/Private
-qtHaveModule(quick):qtHaveModule(widgets): SUBDIRS += widgets
+#qtHaveModule(quick):qtHaveModule(widgets): SUBDIRS += widgets
I would really appreciate a configure option for this.


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