[Development] quickcontrols has now a hard dependancy on widgets.

deDietrich Gabriel Gabriel.deDietrich at theqtcompany.com
Wed Dec 17 13:02:56 CET 2014

Qt Quick Controls do depend on QtWidgets because of styling on desktop. This may be solved in the future as we plan on having separate plugins for styles. (Notice that Qt Quick Controls are not integral part of Qt Quick but a separate module.)

If you're writing an embedded app, then you most likely have a cross-built version of Qt (I'm assuming that's the case for WEC2013, of which I don't know much), and that version probably doesn't need widgets. So you can do as Gunnar S. proposed. Otherwise, your only solution, as I said earlier, is to build Qt Quick Controls with CONFIG += no_desktop. The only feature you'll miss by doing so is the desktop native-looking style, but that wouldn't make sense on WCE2013 either, AFAICT.

Best regards,

Dr. Gabriel de Dietrich
Senior Software Developer
The Qt Company — www.qt.io

From: Gunnar Roth <gunnar.roth at gmx.de>
Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2014 4:15 PM
To: gunnar at sletta.org
Cc: deDietrich Gabriel; development at qt-project.org
Subject: Aw: Re: [Development] quickcontrols has now a hard dependancy on widgets.

Well, i know that leaving out widgets from configure would also solve this problem ,but as i wrote i also need widgets in my build for other programs.
I just dont understand that i get widgets dependency by just using quickcontrols. And QtQuick does NOT depend on widgets as you say. I just look with depends.exe
and qt5quick does only depend on gui,qml,network and core. qml  does depend on network and core only.

Gunnar (Roth)

Gesendet: Dienstag, 16. Dezember 2014 um 09:00 Uhr
Von: gunnar at sletta.org
An: "Gunnar Roth" <gunnar.roth at gmx.de>
Cc: Gabriel.deDietrich at theqtcompany.com, development at qt-project.org
Betreff: Re: [Development] quickcontrols has now a hard dependancy on widgets.
Configure qtbase with "-no-widgets" and all widget dependencies should be gone from both Qt Quick and from Controls.

--- gunnar.roth at gmx.de wrote:

From: "Gunnar Roth" <gunnar.roth at gmx.de>
To: "deDietrich Gabriel" <Gabriel.deDietrich at theqtcompany.com>
Cc: "development at qt-project.org" <development at qt-project.org>
Subject: Re: [Development] quickcontrols has now a hard dependancy on widgets.
Date: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 14:01:41 +0100

HI Gabriel,
I didn't know that, but i don't want any widgets dependency for a qml application, neither on desktop nor anywhere else.


Gesendet: Montag, 15. Dezember 2014 um 12:04 Uhr
Von: "deDietrich Gabriel" <Gabriel.deDietrich at theqtcompany.com>
An: "Gunnar Roth" <gunnar.roth at gmx.de>, "development at qt-project.org" <development at qt-project.org>
Betreff: Re: [Development] quickcontrols has now a hard dependancy on widgets.
Hi Gunnar,

You can always rebuild QtQuick Controls making sure you add CONFIG += no_desktop in the .pro file. The widgets dependency is automatic if widgets are present except on mobile platforms (which, paradoxically, exclude embedded).

Best regards,

Dr. Gabriel de Dietrich
Senior Software Developer
The Qt Company — www.qt.io<http://www.qt.io>[http://www.qt.io]

From: development-bounces+gabriel.dedietrich=theqtcompany.com at qt-project.org <development-bounces+gabriel.dedietrich=theqtcompany.com at qt-project.org> on behalf of Gunnar Roth <gunnar.roth at gmx.de>
Sent: Monday, December 15, 2014 10:07 AM
To: development at qt-project.org
Subject: [Development] quickcontrols has now a hard dependancy on widgets.

Recently i deteced that quickcontrols plugim has started to add a hard dependency on widgets ( on wec2013 and win32 at least ).
dpends.exe is showing
??0QStyleHintReturnMask@@QAE at XZ
??0QStyleOption@@QAE at HH@Z
??0QStyleOptionButton@@QAE at XZ
??0QStyleOptionComboBox@@QAE at XZ
??0QStyleOptionFocusRect@@QAE at XZ
??0QStyleOptionFrame@@QAE at XZ
??0QStyleOptionGroupBox@@QAE at XZ
??0QStyleOptionHeader@@QAE at XZ
??0QStyleOptionMenuItem@@QAE at XZ
??0QStyleOptionProgressBar@@QAE at XZ
??0QStyleOptionSlider@@QAE at XZ
??0QStyleOptionSpinBox@@QAE at XZ
??0QStyleOptionTab@@QAE at XZ
??0QStyleOptionTabWidgetFrame@@QAE at XZ
??0QStyleOptionToolBar@@QAE at XZ
??0QStyleOptionToolButton@@QAE at XZ
??0QStyleOptionViewItem@@QAE at XZ
??1QStyleHintReturnMask@@QAE at XZ
??1QStyleOption@@QAE at XZ
??1QStyleOptionViewItem@@QAE at XZ
?font at QApplication@@SA?AVQFont@@XZ
?globalStrut at QApplication@@SA?AVQSize@@XZ
?hideText at QToolTip@@SAXXZ
?palette at QApplication@@SA?AVQPalette@@PBD at Z
?showText at QToolTip@@SAXABVQPoint@@ABVQString@@PAVQWidget@@@Z
?style at QApplication@@SAPAVQStyle@@XZ

as imported functions from Widgets library.

In contrast to this the quickcontrols dialog plugin has only a soft dependency via qpa, because of the possibility to use the widgets dialogs as a fallback.
Ir is very surprising to have a dependency on widgets, which loads this huge dll on our wec2013 platform into memory ( for performance reasons paging of exe/dll is switched off) . I admit that this does only happen if you also build widgets library, but i usually build as much a i can on a platform, even if i don't use it yet.

With this patch i now disable that dependency.
--- a\qtquickcontrols\src\src.pro 2014-12-05 17:24:10.000000000 +0100
+++ b\qtquickcontrols\src\src.pro 2014-12-08 13:45:54.616785600 +0100
@@ -7,6 +7,6 @@
SUBDIRS += layouts

SUBDIRS += dialogs
SUBDIRS += dialogs/Private

-qtHaveModule(quick):qtHaveModule(widgets): SUBDIRS += widgets
+#qtHaveModule(quick):qtHaveModule(widgets): SUBDIRS += widgets

I would really appreciate a configure option for this.


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