[Development] QForeachContainer mystery

Joerg Bornemann joerg.bornemann at digia.com
Mon Feb 10 15:23:30 CET 2014

Consider the following piece of code:

QStringList other;
foreach (QString str, QStringList(other))
     ;    // do something

This builds fine with Visual Studio 2013.

With gcc 4.7.2 and clang 3.0-6.2 we get:
error: request for member 'brk' in '_container_', which is of non-class 
type 'QForeachContainer<QStringList>(QStringList)'

To trigger this compile error it's enough to do

QStringList other;
_container_.brk = 0;

Interestingly, one can work around this error by wrapping the c'tor with 
a function or passing a variable to foreach.

QStringList id(QStringList x) { return x; }
QStringList other;
foreach (QString str, id(QStringList(other)))
     ;    // do something
QStringList other;
QStringList troz(other);
foreach (QString str, troz)
     ;    // do something

Looks like __typeof__, which is used when building with a recent gcc, 
behaves differently when passing a c'tor?
Could anyone shed light on this mystery?



P.S. Yeeees it's quite pointless to use a copy constructor like this in 
foreach. The example above is artifical. :)

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