[Development] Proposal: "rebranding" QMF as QtMail

Robin Burchell robin+qt at viroteck.net
Mon Feb 10 17:02:32 CET 2014

Hello folks,

After some build system reworking recently and a little discussion
amongst the interested parties (Matt Vogt, Valerio), I'd like to
propose renaming QMF (Qt Messaging Framework) to QtMail with the
longer term goal of making it a module of Qt properly - no longer a
labs project.

QMF's naming is historical: QMF originally handled other types of
messages than purely mail (SMS/MMS also, for instance). This has not
been the case for quite some time - QMF now handles *only* email, so
this renaming makes the whole thing sound a bit less meta and less

The repository is currently comprised of two main libraries:
QmfMessageServer and QmfClient. I would propose:

QmfClient => QtMail
QmfMessageServer => QtMessageServer

Classes in QMF are already using the QMail* prefix.

Any objections?


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