[Development] qPrintable encoding issues

Matthew Woehlke mw_triad at users.sourceforge.net
Fri Feb 28 17:30:57 CET 2014

On 2014-02-28 04:16, Koehne Kai wrote:
>> [...]
>> What about adding e.g. qRawUtf8() which would do like qPrintable but
>> toUtf8() instead of toLocal8Bit()?
> I've been pondering with this something similar too, since
> qDebug("%s", string.toUtf8().constData());
> isn't really short and crisp ... But I just found out that there's a
> more elegant way: QString::snprintf and therefore also qDebug() and
> friends support the %ls placeholder, so you can write
> qDebug("%ls", string.utf16());

This doesn't help if I am doing e.g.:

   MyClass foo;
   QString msg;
   qDebug() << "literal" << foo << "literal"
            << some_value << qPrintable(msg);

I think a solution that can be used with QDebug::operator<< is needed.

>> (If you don't otherwise care about doing conversions to local-8-bit, couldn't
>> you also set the string locale to UTF-8?)
> Sorry, I didn't get this question / proposal :)

I would assume that setting the current Qt locale to UTF-8 results in 
toLocal8Bit being a synonym for toUtf8. (Note: I'm talking about 
*applications* adding a call to do this. They would have to evaluate if 
doing so is likely to break anything else.)


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