[Development] git submodules

Jiergir Ogoerg f35f22fan at gmail.com
Wed Jan 1 02:00:31 CET 2014

Thanks a lot, I was about to write I figured it out, but your reply
gave me further insight.

The prick required _all_ previous commits to have Change-Id too.. took
me a while to figure this out.. and to learn git rebase..

What I can't figure out is - which qt version (4 or 5) do these belong to?

For example I pushed (then abandoned) this:

Was it in queue for Qt4 or Qt5, the webpage doesn't mention any of these..

On Wed, Jan 1, 2014 at 2:23 AM, Sze Howe Koh <szehowe.koh at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 1 January 2014 04:00, Jiergir Ogoerg <f35f22fan at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Thanks,
>> I managed to commit my changes to local qtbase, but when trying to
>> push from the folder qtbase to gerrit it complains about
>> "Change-Id"...
> Hi,
> If you have a look at other commit messages (e.g.
> https://codereview.qt-project.org/#change,74482), you'll see a text
> field called "Change-Id" at the end of the message, which is a SHA-1
> ID. Every submission must have a unique Change-Id. If you update your
> patch, keep the existing Change-Id. This lets Gerrit know that you are
> pushing an update, not a new patch.
> Also notice the "Task-number" field which lets you link a patch to a
> bug report (e.g.
> https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-35722).
> If you had used 'init-repository' script to clone the submodules, it
> would have automatically set up the necessary git hooks to
> auto-generate a Change-Id when you make a new commit. Anyway, you can
> do it manually:
> 1) Copy the contents of <Qt>/qtrepotools/git-hooks into <Qt>/qtbase/.git/hooks
> 2) Edit <Qt>/qtbase/.git/config and add these 2 lines (replace <Qt>
> with your absolute path):
>     [commit]
>         template = <Qt>/.commit-template
> 3) Call 'git commit --amend' to generate the Change-Id
> 4) Push again
> Repeat (1) and (2) for every repository you wish to make changes in.
> Regards,
> Sze-Howe

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