[Development] Coding style proposal

Poenitz Andre Andre.Poenitz at digia.com
Thu Jan 2 23:49:44 CET 2014

Jiergir Ogoerg wrote:
> Ironically, not even the IDE (QtCreator) sorts them out, in my example
> parse...() is the 1st in the list, and locale() is the last one (16th).

There's a "Sort alphabetically" check box in the context menu of
Maybe using that helps to ease your pain.

The main point here is that there's no "intrinsic" ordering of function 
implementation, and  "alphabetically sorting" is as arbitrary as anything 

The preferred way to locate a method in Qt Creator is to use the 
Locator facility, i.e. press Ctrl-K to open the Locator, further 'm', 
<space> to select functions: (independently of the file),  or '.',
<space> for  C++ symbols in the current file. There's no need to 
guess where a function definition is, or rely on coding standards,
when you can jump there directly.


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