[Development] Accepted flag of QGraphicsView::mouseMoveEvent is not updated

Dmitrii Volosnykh dmitrii.volosnykh at gmail.com
Sun Jan 19 12:26:50 CET 2014

Much like an author of the message on stackoverflow (
I'd like to be able to conditionally execute custom logic depending on the
accepted flag of the mouse event after default implementation of
QGraphicsView::mouseMoveEvent() has been called. Unfortunately, this flag
remains unchanged everytime. Such behaviour was discovered in february of
2010 and seems to have not been fixed since then.

As of versions 5.1 and 5.2 (rev 446f9f2812e9f351caca11750792dadbd4e53662),
the same issue applies for QGraphicsView::mouseMoveEvent(),
i.e.QGraphicsViewPrivate::mouseMoveEventHandler(). Accepted flag is updated
only for lastMouseEvent, not for original event object.

I've found somewhat related bugreport created a week later:
https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-8061. Reporter is the author
of the topic on stackoverflow, but he mentions another event handler,
though. That bug has been closed with status 'Done'.

My question is: should I report a new bug or add a comment to the old one?

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