[Development] Accepted flag of QGraphicsView::mouseMoveEvent is not updated

Dmitrii Volosnykh dmitrii.volosnykh at gmail.com
Sun Jan 19 16:34:10 CET 2014

Probably we may discuss it before make any unwanted bug reports...

Basically, I have the same problems described in the referenced topic from
URL. Specifically, I have a scene (tiles of geographic map) and an overlay
consisting of a polyline which should be editable via dragging its vertices.

By default, map is translated when mouse is moved with left button being
pressed. It should not do so when some of the polyline's vertices is being
dragged. This is where the problem comes up. As for now, while draging
vertex the map is translated at the same time. Of course, this looks weird.
So, I'd like to have some means to distinguish the case when QGraphicsScene
processes (or one of its QGraphicsItem's) mouse move event and when it is
not. I could rely on QEvent::isAccepted() flag, but it is true everytime.

As for your statement that current behaviour is correct: what do you think
about changes done as a result of resolving QTBUG-8061 (
https://bugreports.qt-project.org/brows/QTBUG-8061)? See
This patch is right what I lack for mouseMoveEventHandler() to do for me,
in case this is consistent with desired behaviour.

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