[Development] QtWebChannel scope

Lutz Schönemann lutz.schoenemann at basyskom.com
Fri Jul 4 12:41:46 CEST 2014

Hi Milian,

when using the qwebchannel.js file to implement a client one can set a 
URL so that the QWebChannel object opens a websocket connection to that 
URL or just set an already connected socket right?
But I'm thinking about setting a socket object that already has a send 
function, that will break my socket object (if I'm not doing some extra 
work) because QWebChannel sets the send property w/o checking if it 
already exists. I think there should be done some extra checks to make 
sure that the object you set the send function on is that WebView 
communication thing.


On 07/04/2014 11:36 AM, Milian Wolff wrote:
> On Friday 04 July 2014 11:11:13 Bernd Lamecker wrote:
>> Hi,
>> do you plan to use QtWebChannel only "locally" or will it be possible to use
>> the javascript part to connect a pure QML client to an QObject backend or
>> maybe even use the javascript to connect a NodeJS server to a QObject?
> Hey,
> the plan for 5.4 is to ensure it works well with WebView (and hopefully
> WebEngine as well) - so locally. But thanks to WebSockets, you can talk to
> arbitrary remote clients as long as they support WebSockets. NodeJS should
> thus be pretty trivial, I simply never tried it out so far but I don't see any
> problem with that.
> Regarding QML client and QObject backend, that should work the same way. I
> just refactored the code yesterday and ported the unit tests such that they
> run the qwebchannel.js code inside V4. So you can setup a JS web channel in
> QML just fine and get objects somehow, e.g. again via websockets. What's
> missing here is an implementation or auto-wrapper of QQmlWebSocket for
> QWebChannelAbstractTransport. That's trivial to do though.
> Bye
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