[Development] Is it possible to submit my Qt application for iOS to Apple App Store?

Pavel Mogilevskiy pmogilevskiy at gmail.com
Fri Jul 4 22:31:39 CEST 2014

Hello everyone!

         I would like to ask you if it's possible to submit my Qt 
application for iOS to iOS App Store. I already sent the same question 
to Qt Interests but
didn't get a 100% answer. Maybe here I will get the full answer.

         What are requirements of submitting apps to iOS App Store? Are 
there any restriction?  I heard that Apple doesn't allow to submit 
applications that bundle dylibs to iOS App Store? Is this true?

         Thanks for any information.

         I'm using Qt 5.3.1 LGPL, iOS SDK 7.1. Application has been 
written with Qt Widgets (non QtQuick/QML).


   Best regards,
     Pavel Mogilevskiy            mailto:pmogilevskiy at gmail.com

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