[Development] [API Change] New authentication method in QNetworkAccessManager

Kurt Pattyn pattyn.kurt at gmail.com
Sun Mar 9 15:10:02 CET 2014

Currently, QNAM stalls when authentication is required (also see: https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-16251).
Also, the connection between the authenticationRequired signal and the slot must be a direct connection.
This is problematic when an application wants to show a login dialogbox for instance.

I propose to change this implementation by using a delegate authenticator instead.

class QAuthenticator
protected Q_SLOTS:
    //this method should be called asynchronously from QNAM
    void authenticate(QNetworkReply *reply) {
        if (doAuthenticate(reply))
            Q_EMIT authenticated();
            Q_EMIT authenticationFailed();

    //return false if the request should be stopped (authentication denied)
    //return true if authentication should continue
    virtual bool doAuthenticate(QNetworkReply *reply) = 0;

//example use
class MyAuthenticator: public QAuthenticator
    bool doAuthenticate(QNetworkReply *reply) {
        //whatever is required

        return true;

The QNetworkRequest class would be extended with a setAuthenticator() method, as follows:

class QNetworkRequest
    void setAuthenticator(QAuthenticator *authenticator);

MyAuthenticator *auth = new MyAuthenticator;

Another option is to add the setAuthenticator() method to the QNAM class.

When this would be implemented, the authenticationRequired() signal would become obsolete.

What are your opinions on this?

Note: QWebSocketServer uses the same blocking signal for CORS authentication
(this was merely done to be inline with the QNAM way of working).



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